Ask Your Child's Dentist These Questions During The Checkup

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Taking your young child to a pediatric dentist serves as a valuable opportunity to not only have the child’s dental health examined but also learn what steps you can be taking to encourage proper oral health at home. While your child’s dentist will likely talk about how healthy the teeth are, you should get in the habit of asking as many questions as possible – especially if you’re a first-time parent and haven’t previously been through this process with another child. Read More»

2 Dental Rinses For Keeping Your Cracked Denture Clean

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Dentures are constructed in a way that allows them to withstand a large amount of force. Even though dentures are resilient, they are not indestructible. Over time, constant force and pressure can cause the denture to crack. When this happens, it is important to see a dentist immediately to get the denture repaired. Until you are able to do so, it is important to keep the denture clean, as food and bacteria can easily seep into the crack. Read More»

Can Braces Really Lead To TMJ Disorder?

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One frequent concern of patients seeking orthodontics is the rumor that braces and other devices can cause temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, disorder. This painful condition occurs when your bite does not align correctly with the rest of the bones in your face, and some individuals believe that it may be a risk for orthodontic patients. The scientific evidence on this subject is still inconclusive, but there are steps you can take to minimize your chances of developing TMJ disorder while still correcting your teeth. Read More»

Can Your Dental Implants Be Stained?

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Your dental implants are shaped and colored to look just like your natural teeth. If those implants should become stained, they may not look right anymore. Knowing whether or not your dental implants can be stained and under what circumstances can protect your implants and preserve the appearance of your smile. Can your dental implants be stained? Dental implants are generally made from porcelain that is protected by a slick, stain-resistant glaze on the outside. Read More»

How Weather Elements May Affect Dental Pain

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Many people with dental problems will agree that changing weather patterns aren’t their friends. Weather can make even a seemingly dormant toothache flare out of the blue. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Here is a scientific explanation why different weather elements can affect your dental pain: Extreme Temperatures Both high and low temperatures can increase your dental pain. This usually happens if you have imperfections on your teeth that the cold or hot air can affect. Read More»