Preventing Childhood Dental Problems

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You want to make sure you do your part in preventing your child from developing any problems with their teeth that could have been avoided. Many new parents put plenty of attention into doing the right thing for their baby’s new teeth, but they know very little about making sure they don’t do the wrong things. You can learn about some of the wrong things in this article, so you can help your baby have the healthiest teeth possible. Read More»

Can Musical Instruments Have An Impact On Your Teeth?

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When you play a musical instrument that involves the mouth, you may be worried about the effect that it could have on your teeth in the future. It is possible for a musical instrument to damage your teeth, and will you need to care for your oral health more than a non-musical person? Here’s a look at the potential damage and things you can do to protect your teeth. Let Your Dentist Know Read More»

2 Natural Antibacterial Mouthwashes To Prevent Pulpitis From Forming

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Pulpitis occurs when your dental pulp becomes inflamed. The inflammation is usually caused by extreme tooth decay and a bacterial infection that is left untreated. Early signs of pulpitis include anything from tooth sensitivity caused by extreme temperatures to a dull ache or pain. It is important to be mindful of these signs in order to prevent the health of your teeth from deteriorating. Teeth that suffer from pulpitis will often need to undergo extensive dental work in order to remove the decayed dental pulp and seal off the dental pulp chamber. Read More»

Need Cosmetic Dentistry? Two Tips To Help You Get It On A Budget

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Few things can brighten your appearance like a beautiful smile.  Not only can it help you feel better about yourself, but it may also positively affect your work prospects since studies show that having bad teeth can prevent you from getting a job or promotion, even if you’re qualified.  Cosmetic dentistry is one way to achieve that perfect smile, but it may seem to be out of your budget.  However, your financial situation doesn’t have to hold you back from having the teeth you’ve always wanted. Read More»

Ask Your Child's Dentist These Questions During The Checkup

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Taking your young child to a pediatric dentist serves as a valuable opportunity to not only have the child’s dental health examined but also learn what steps you can be taking to encourage proper oral health at home. While your child’s dentist will likely talk about how healthy the teeth are, you should get in the habit of asking as many questions as possible – especially if you’re a first-time parent and haven’t previously been through this process with another child. Read More»